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Letter from high Exalted Stonecrow to Elemental 7


To the Elemental, chosen of Baulshek and leader of our people:


We continue to watch the developments of our kingdom with great concern, as we have been made aware that dwarven rebels have launched us into war with our southern neighbors, that these same neighbors have been provoked into attacking our lands, and our dear Eleth has been dispatched from our order in secrecy on a suicide mission and has perished in combat with a necromancer.


The council is growing concerned over both your ability to maintain the order and prosperity of our people, and your election from Baulshek. As such, I will be coming to Whiterock at once to meet with you further and see what I can do.


I hope with all my heart that we can find victory in our current situation. should we fail, I fear the council will start discussing whether we are to continue to entrust you with power over our people.


Your concerned and caring friend: Agmar Stonecrow, High Exalted council member and head proctor of studies.

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