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Prince Robblerock to Elemental 7​

Post battle at Pembroke Crypt


Father, I write to you with news unfortunate... Our March upon the Pembroke crypt has proven unsuccessful... and despite our men fighting valiantly we were not able to secure a footing before enemy reinforcements arrived. Yet it gets worse. It seems the enemy has retaken the rivers we have held as we marched upon the crypt. Bori is new to the ways of conquest and neglected to leave enough of a sizable force to defend them- yet I cannot blame him, as his forces were whittled down tremendously by the time I reached his party. There are... other potential side effects of our battle as well.


The men are whispering, linking the first battle that Bori lost to my coming, and the fact that I assigned him to lead our goblin units in the field of battle. By all strategic accounts this made sense, but I failed to consider the political effects of such a move as I had failed to consider defeat. And now the soldiers are looking at Bori and I the way children look at their father and mother, yet while I am the father who rules the household, it is apparent that they are looking upon Bori with more warmth in their hearts.


Please don’t look down on me father, as I blame my inexperience over my lack of preparation or will. Defeat is a sour ale, but in my desire to succeed,I am the mountain, and I will not move.


- Your son, Robblerock Whitemaine

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