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Indrik Hall's Drinking Song

   Orgarith is a town on the adjacent borders of goblin and dwarven territory. Here, through trade and aid, dwarves and goblins live in more harmony than any other town in the kingdom. This is never more seen than isn’t the Roaring Indrik hall, a large bar that attracts many a traveler and anyone who wants to jump into song. It is well known that the two most rambunctious and hearty of the group were the dwarf, “Glitten-tongue Redmaine” and the goblin- “Foul and Aloof”. For years the two would engage in drinking competitions, games of skill, and battling songs. The rivalry became respect, the respect became admiration, and admiration became friendship. The following is a song most famous in Orgarith.


Glitten-Tongue: Ay a sight to all you’re about to see

As this two horned hellstooth stands to me

With a heart so bold but his lips too cold

He can never stand to out drink me!


Foul and Aloof: Oh says I can’t outpace your score

But I drink the pub and I can drink more!

So what shall you do when the goblin crew

Stands tall when you’re sick from alcohol!


Glitten-Tongue: Oh goblin friend you Stray too much!

I can see that the mead turns your head to mush!

For I outdrink them all in the Indrik Hall

And all can be seen that I’m king of the lush!


Foul and Aloof: Oh king of the fools on a beggars box!

Your drink’s full of water and you’re head full of rocks!

Yet here’s where I thrive, on drink 35!

And your 6 glasses empty, but claim drink of an ox!


Glitter-Tongue: Oh my sad goblin friend, your impairment astounds!

My thirsty tongue has never known bounds.

You say I drink six, but my friend here’s the trick,

I’ve had these six now for six drinking rounds!


Foul and Aloof: So proud thirty six, but I drank just four more!

And as we yet sing, see another glass pour!

There’s honor in defeat, so give up your seat!

For every two minutes, I’ve drunken two more!


Together: You are a respectable foe, any eyeball can see

But there will not come a day when you can outdrink me!

So try as you may, until you sink to the ground

Barkeep, pour us all another round!

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